esol artificial intelligence

eSol x Artificial Intelligence & AI Innovation Day

Do you remember what life was like before the internet was publicly accessible? It's difficult, we know, since the internet represents such a big part of our personal and professional lives now.

The last two years have brought about another massive change that is here to stay and influence how we do things: AI, through LLMs and not only, has become widely available - it’s not just a futuristic technology that we'd read about in SFs anymore. Let’s take a closer look at it.

AI Takes Root

The first time the term Artificial Intelligence was used by John McCarthy was in 1956**, at the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence Conference, a conference that remains in history since it catalyzed future research in AI. The research and workshops from the 50s, 60s, and so on, have paved the way for us to reach this moment when it comes to technological advancements in Artificial Intelligence - AI for all.

Accepting the forthcoming changes and adapting to them is key to managing to properly include AI in our lives, with the ultimate goal of having it assist us in our personal and work endeavors.

In this article, we’ll go through some of the measures or solutions we implement to include and promote the use of AI within our company, as well as how we can all, employees and customers alike, benefit from it.

**for a more in-depth history of AI do check out this article from Harvard, and this article from Forbes

eSol x AI

We recognized the signals of AI's potential even before the explosion of technologies like ChatGPT. We knew immediately that this was a ship we needed to be aboard. The level of adoption and curiosity among our team members has been incredibly exciting to witness. They have embraced these tools with open arms and have already begun to integrate them into our workflows with remarkable enthusiasm and skill.

I believe that the impact of AI on our industry and society is going to be more significant than the Industrial Revolution. It's not just a fleeting trend; AI is here to stay. As we further integrate AI into our work, I'm excited about the practical changes it's bringing to the table. AI will redefine how we approach software development, big data, cloud and infrastructure, and IoT. Our commitment to AI adoption is steady, and we're ready to navigate the new possibilities it's presenting for us and our clients every day.

Marian Simpetru, Managing Partner eSolutions


Our first project based on AI was eSol Ada - a tool that would allow all of our colleagues to be able to use our own personal and improved ChatGPT-like tool. Named after the famous Ada Lovelace (yes, we're being geeky and also enjoy paying tribute to the first computer programmer), eSol Ada brings to the table new functionalities that make our lives easier, by not only answering questions, translating text, and providing real-time support, but also generating images, having speech-to-text and transcript functionalities, and offering the option to upload files and interrogate eSol Ada based on them. You can also choose the level of creativity for Ada's responses, ranging from creative or balanced, to precise.

esol ada

What's more, Ada also brings out new functionality to share chat rooms on specific subjects so that anyone can join and contribute to the same conversation started by other colleagues. You can add favorite rooms or even export the room conversations to your email or download them as PDFs. As for new users, eSol Ada features a built-in prompt library and a tips & tricks page where everyone can contribute.

The features that eSol Ada boasts, such as text compilation, code generation, translation, custom prompts, audio transcription, image generation, edited image generation, room publishing, and room export, are all tools that can help us do our jobs better.

eSol ChatBot

Our AI assistant derived from eSol Ada was put to use at GoTech World to answer questions about our company for curious passersby. 300 pages worth of information - from our website and company presentations - was used to train the AI, so that the assistant could instantly respond to our booth visitors’ inquiries regarding our services, the products we developed, our experience, expertise, and organizational culture, company representatives, or the variety of events we host, both internally and publicly.

This allowed our marketing team to focus on networking and other organizational affairs at the event, while the assistant could respond to any questions about eSolutions. Such assistants can be used in a variety of use cases to relieve professionals of the more repetitive tasks and allow them to focus on what's important.

AI Innovation Day

Last April we organized our first event focusing on AI - our colleagues teamed up or worked individually to come up with various innovative ways of making use of AI and eSol Ada. New functions have been implemented in Ada after this event, but other ways to use AI also emerged.

eSolutions AI Innovation Day

The event was a blast, so we made AI Innovation Day an annual event. This April 6, we will gather at our Main House office to work on several challenges. We will either team up to solve or individually tackle the predefined challenges, with the option to come up with our challenges as well. After all, the goal is to network, collaborate, and innovate on all things AI!

And we just can't wait to see the solutions our colleagues will come up with this year!

Not Only On AI Innovation Day

We always strive to be up-to-date with new technologies and create tools that can help us work smarter. Our day-to-day conversations are sparked by AI, with news that can aid us and tools that we can leverage to create better and more unique solutions for both our customers and for us internally.

For instance, compared to our previous hackathons, last year's edition saw a definite rise in the use of AI and LLMs. That's when ideas such as StoryCraft and Chef AI also came into being. As mentioned earlier, AI is here to stay, and we embrace this idea thoroughly.

AI In Numbers

In a survey by Gartner, AI was already the top game-changer technology for many businesses in 2018. Now, with the launch of publicly available LLMs - ChatGPT already boasts 180.5 million users, the growth of the AI market will rise exponentially.

According to Statista, in 2024, the AI market is projected to reach $305.90 billion, and by 2030, the market size is expected to reach nearly $2 trillion.

What's Next for eSolutions?

AI has opened a lot of doors and possibilities, and while the exploration phase is neverending, we have already worked on some tools and products that might be of interest to help you ease your workloads.

Stay tuned as we have great things in store for you in the coming weeks!

eSolutions AI Innovation Day 2024

Check out how this year's event was in the video below:

esolutions ai innovation day 2024 youtube


About the Author

Andreea Jakab

An enthusiastic writing and communication specialist, Andreea Jakab is keen on technology and enjoys writing about cloud platforms, big data, infrastructure, gaming, and more. In her role as Social Media & Content Strategist at, she focuses on creating content and developing marketing strategies for the eSolutions’ blog and social media platforms.