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MultiMED - Telemedicine Platform

MultiMED is an innovative medical system that crunches distances between medical specialists and patients.

Based on a performant  telemedicine platform, MultiMED allows conducting and interpreting  medical investigations, from the patient's home, by a multidisciplinary team of specialists, using medical mobile units and a dedicated application, which runs on any mobile device. This way, doctors can view, interpret and discuss the results of investigations and medical tests and establish consensus diagnostic and appropriate treatment in real-time. 

MultiMED - Telemedicine Platform
MultiMED - Telemedicine Platform

The Client

Evomed, part of Gnosis Group, is a Medtech company set out to change the paradigm in healthcare. The company has a focus on clinical research of new medical protocols and new technology development in the field of healthcare.

Business Challenge

Deliver the platform with all the features envisioned by the customer, in a timely manner. This was a visionary project, as in 2015 telemedicine was a completely new concept in Romanian healthcare.


Multimed Screenshot

Solution Delivered

  • A technical hardware / software platform that implements a cooperation protocol and handles all medical data (text, video, audio, photo, documents)
  • Dispatch call center web-based application for use by the dispatch operator (management of the administrative processes of the case: programming of the doctors involved, personal information management, invoicing, auditing)
  • Dispatch server web service for management of the concurrent calls between medical personnel
  • Web application for remote medical specialists optimised for both desktop and mobile terminals
  • Patient software platform for online remote doctor consultations, with capabilities for multiple simultaneous sessions – one patient to many doctors - both on video and medical records
  • Microservices architecture that integrates seamlessly with the mobile unit management software application and the medical equipment
  • Audio/video communication between multiple specialists for real time collaboration on the medical case
  • User friendly interface optimized for both desktop and mobile


High-performance telemedicine solution, representing a very useful tool for expanding the reach of classic medical providers and for dramatically increasing the access to healthcare services for people in areas where virtually no medical infrastructure is present, providing them instant access to highly specialized medical doctors, on a remote basis.

MultiMED telemedicine platform brings a series of important benefits for both patients and medical services providers, such as: the time needed for diagnosis is considerably shorter, potential medical errors are almost eliminated, diagnostic costs are significantly reduced for both patients and clinics. All these benefits are due to real-time collaboration capabilities, allowing all the specialists to simultaneously analyse and discuss the case, on a remote basis. 

EvoMed’s project  was awarded at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, in 2015.


Initially: Docker, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Java, C, C++.
Updated: Kubernetes, Docker, Java, Spring *,Redis, Kafka, Cassandra, Hadoop, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Grafana.

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